Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Sunday was fairly warm -- with only intermittent rain.. so OYY Iko Iko and I decided to try a few obstacles. This is the first time for him 'running the gauntlet'.  Iko is a 3 year old gelding out of a Tall Trees mare. If he does not sell, he will be an outstanding steady therapy mount... just like his Mom Sassie.   Right now, he is in his extreme uglies stage-- but he's a good boy with
lots of try. :)

Iko and I worked in the indoor for awhile with the platform, raincoat, tarp, hula hoop and umbrella - tickle tubes etc. We took a walk in the wind taking turns wearing the raincoat.

Then -- right when we moved into the 'outdoor' area.. my Number 3 son stopped by to wish me a Happy Easter. naturally I gave him camera duty :) 

Good job Iko !

Iko is not afraid of anything -- but he does get stuck sometimes on the asking and sending.  This obstacle work will fix that.  For some horses, the obstacles are a great exposure exercise.. as they learn to trust their handlers when they meet up with something new and different.   With other horses.. like Iko-Iko, it ends up being more of an exercise in listening and having the correct response when asked.. which in Iko's case is... HELLO.. move forward silly goose !

He's going to make such a great trail horse -- so steady.. once he gets that- and that is not going to take long !

I need to cut these posts off or grow a few inches.

Once I had Iko standing in the tire, I decided to work on his gearbox a little bit. Since the engine is in the hind end... this is a great exercise for future riding. You can see Iko's gears are stuck though in one direction. Not an obstacle really -- but still important work study and one of the stepping stones in a good foundation. 

And finally -- we are done for the day -- Iko hangs out in a pasture with his friends down the driveway. I am too lazy to lead him down and then walk back up :) So I bring him down the same way I brought him up. Many of my horses are lead around the property behind the 4 wheeler -- but not all of them like being led with the tractor. Iko's sire detested being led around by tractor... Iko is- as I said -- a kind of ..Whatever kind of guy.

Enjoy ~

Betsy and OYY Iko Iko in Vermont


  1. Betsy,
    What a good boy IKO is. I say beautiful is on the inside and he sure has lots of heart and good looks. Wonderful obstacles you have to work with there. Cannot wait to see ya'll in July.

  2. Love it, love it!!! Iko is totally his mother... don't freak out under *any* circumstance! Frustrating to those who want "go" but totally safe for those who don't know how to ask for go and mean it. Looking forward to seeing more!!!!
    Stirling, ON, Canada

  3. hihi He looks like "ugly" Moose. he is not at his best right now.

    But it's the inside that counts and looks like your Iko is a great horse too.

  4. Lynn -- he is his mother for sure -- the only thing he got from his dad was the cream coloring. safe, safe, safe...

    Marion -- Moose is not so ugly.. he looks kind of cute to me !
