Friday, April 15, 2011

Raincoat on me and on my horse:)

I had a busy week so I am a bit behind on my blogging about my adventures with Suri. I had another nice ride with great transitions from walk to trot! Yesterday I went to do some groundwork with Voelie, I introduced her to an elastic band (used to keep a blanket in place) and put it around her to get her used to the idea of something on her back and around her belly. She was really great so the groundwork with Voelie is coming along. With Suri I had another obstacle day. I first let her see and smell the raincoat and then put it on. She was really fine with this, I walked and jumped around with is with no reaction from Suri. Then I put it on her back and I made the assumption that she would be fine (she is so good with everything that I sometimes think I allready have a bomb proof and experienced horse!!) so she reminded me that she did not know this yet, when I walked with her she took some jumps forward and the coat fell of. I was a bit upset with myself for letting this happen by going too fast. I decided to correct my mistake and take up the raincoat and work slowly to get it back on her and her walking. First I had the coat folded and then unfolded. I worked from both sides of Suri and had the coat on her back, her hindquarters and her neck. She at first found it hard to relax but she was quiet with it. We walked step by step. She found this challenge a bit more difficult but was willing to try. At the end I rubbed her neck until she started chewing and lowered her head. She finally really relaxed with the raincoat on her so we had a great succes! Now I will start reading all your adventures, I am a bit behind on my reading!

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