Monday, April 25, 2011

Freedom RULES! he is just amazing!

Remember when we started? he gave me a fly lesson. Was bad in groundwork. Did not want to go.....and look at him now. He is so amazing he just does everything I ask him to do. Either if it's with the obstacles, or on a trailride he does it.
Last week we had two friends doing a trailride on the property and I took Freedom to lead them and showed the trails....he was the leading horse and he did great!

Hidden Cave Ranch, Kentucky


  1. Wow Marion what an improvement in such short time with Freedom, you must be so proud of him and of yourself! I think he is doing so great for such a young horse he looks great doing all the obstacles! And that wiling temperament is exactly what you want in your riding partner, that is so great! I love the pictures of you two!

  2. super job Marion -- and I see your husband has been a busy boy building obstacles for you !! YAY
