Monday, January 3, 2011

First Ride of the 2011

First ride of the year for me came today :) Took Shaneequah out with a close friend (who rode my sister's Paso Fino mare) The farrier came out this morning and both Yodie and Shaneequah were trimmed today. I wasn't sure if Yodie was going to be sore or not, so I opted to take out Shaneequah instead.

This gave me a chance to try out my new sidepull headstall on her; I have ridden her in a variety of bits and headstalls over the years, but have been curious on how she would be in a sidepull.

She did very well today. We just went for about a hour and a half. The roads were slightly icy, but in some spots there was decent traction so we could move them out a bit. The temps were around 15 or so degrees, so not too cold. A little bit of snow fell (supposed to continue on into the week) so that is something to look forward to :)

Later on in the afternoon, I took Yodie out to do some groundwork with him. As it turns out, he wasn't very sore at all. I lunged him for about half an hour and worked on our verbal commands (walk, trot, canter, woah) He did quite well, considering that he hasn't been worked more then a handful of times since July. Lex and I then took him for a walk down to the lake that is just a stone's throw away from us. He was really relaxed and listened really well. There was no screaming, being antsy or spooking. Hopefully, I will be ip and riding him by this week again. Until next time,

Emily, Yodie and Shaneequah


  1. So Emily, you were pleased with how Shaneequah did in the sidepull? I have had one for a few years now, and have yet to try it....have you tried other bitless bridles?

    Gotta love a curly for their ability to be off work for a long time and walk back into it almost like it was yesterday!

  2. That's awesome about Yodie! What a great afternoon you had with your two curlies. 15 is cold! LOL. If I dress well I can manage it, but my hands tend to get cold after about 45 min or so. Good for you Emily!! Love hearing from someone so close to home!!

  3. Big Sky: Shaneequah has done ok in the sidepull, surprisingly :) I hadn't really thought of using one till I met a member on the HGS forum that made them, and I thought that I would try it. I figured that since she went well in a rope halter, why not try a sidepull? I had mine made also so I could turn it into a "halter" as it has the knot at the chin that I can attach a lead rope to. She can get a little excited at times, but she listens to it fairly well. And you are right: it is so nice to have a horse that knows her job! The curlies are certainty good at that :)

    Denise: Thank you! 15 is pretty dang cold...I know that you know all about that! My hands don't usually get cold, but rather my feet and face! lol

    Susan: It sure was! :)
