Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday, 1/9/11

Here is my first blog of the new year... I am still working with my boy Ringo and I have a new addition, his little brother, Tonic. Today the sun decided to pay a visit after a solid week of nothing but clouds, fog and drizzly rain, so we took advantage and went to play with the horses. I spent about an hour with the boys re-visiting things we have done and with Tonic, some new things. After introducing the "killer blue tarp" to Tonic and playing with both of them with the tarp, Ringo decided to help me with Tonic by "teaching" him how to lead!! You gotta love that curly personality...


  1. Paul!! You are a brave guy among so many women!! You deserve some kind of medal. LOL Thank you for sharing your awesome curlies with us!! I sure hope other guys will set up to the plate too. We love hearing from you guys! Ringo is a favorite of mine..what a gorgeous animal. And now Tonic...equally stunning. (love the name!) What a pair they are.

  2. Hu! I love that parcours of horror lol! And it is even better when the horses teaches that themselves! You can lean back and enjoy a cup of coffee! Great job!

  3. Looks like you have some very clever Curlies there, Paul, not to mention handsome. Is Ringo actually leading Tonic? That is amazing! I wouldn't put anything past theses horses. I'm sure big brother Ringo helped Tonic quite a bit with those monster tarps, too.

  4. I have to pipe in here! Ringo is a complete character! Paul told me that when they were don he took Ringo's halter off and as the ground was really muddy he did not want to set the halter on the ground so he asked Ringo to hold it and Ringo did!!!! When Ringo was here he and another Curly (Thor) would play tug of war with the hose we use to syphon water into the stock tank! Drove us crazy. Ringo and Paul, who is a bit of a character too, are a PERFECT match!!You go Paul!

  5. Yes Susan, Ringo is REALLY leading Tonic, lol I told Paul that it was a bad thing to teach him, especially when he could not get the lead rope out of Ringo's mouth!! But his comment was "I think it is a good thing, especially if nobody is around and the ground is muddy"!! Don't tell him, but I really think it's cute to!! LOL
