Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cooler weather

Today the weather was a lot cooler then yesterday and I noticed this in working Suri. I had another friend over to help me with the riding today, she was also impressed with Suri's sweet and quiet disposition. I started lunging Suri and where yesterday she was quite slow today she felt like running and was running away too much so we spent time calming down and relaxing with the lunging. When she is relaxed she has a really nice and balanced trot but sometimes she ran too much today. After she was more relaxed I got on and rode her mainly in walk again with a few transitions to trot. In her transitions she still runs (flees) a bit so I brought her back to walk rewarding her everytime she relaxed. Our goal is to first work on relaxed and confident transitions and no running. When I was riding her (on the lungeline) she also wanted to head for the exit so we worked through this and then called it a day. She is really wanting to work but is still 'searching' for the right way and also myself I am still getting used to riding a young horse again. I am confident that we will be fine also because Suri is such a willing and kind horse we'll just take our time to get there, I am not in a hurry:) I planned two lessons with my friend for the coming week to work on the riding and will work with her a few weeks so that we get a good start. In between I will work on the obstacles and groundwork so that the focus is not only the riding. After working with Suri I could see that she was tired, not only fysically but also from all the new impressions so I gave her some nice treats and now they are having their hay and relaxing for the rest of the day:)


  1. You are doing such a good job taking things one step at a time!

  2. What a great way to start a curly - they do things in their own time, don't they?
