I haven't started on the obstacle challenges yet, but I do have a couple of days of training to report. I took Tygs over to my friend's arena intending on me working him in the arena. We didn't start well as he decided he wasn't going in the trailer to go there. After a couple of tries and him thinking he could really get in my space, I went and got treats and just waited until he decided to come in and after he was hooked up, I gave him a treat. He wasn't very good on the ride over, but after I unloaded him, I put the saddle on him so he could carry it to the arena. I could tell he wasn't focused at all. When we walked in the arena there was some plastic on the floor blowing in the wind and he once again invaded my space. My friend joined me and watched as I attempted to lunge Tygs. That wasn't going well at all. So she took over and he was doing the same thing to her. Bad boy! It took her about 20 minutes before he decided to lick and chew. I hadn't seen this side of Tygs yet and wasn't impressed. She did put the bridle on him for the first time that night and he was rode after his attitude correction. I'm thinking that he's really herd bound and that's what we were seeing. Every time except the first time he went over there one of our other horses was with him, and I think he was reacting to his insecurity. Something to keep working on.
Last night we took him along with one of our other horses and he was a perfect angel. He did everything I asked. I lunged him at a walk and trot in both directions. He's gotten the idea of what "easy" means, so that's an improvement. We also worked on our leading and halting and backing up with me facing forward. We did put the bridle on again and just let him hang out with it on while we worked the other horse. He probably wore it for about 30 minutes and did quit chewing on it. Now on to the obstacles!
Sorry I don't have any pictures this time around.
Hi Janeen, I can imagine it is different for Tygs to work without one of the other horses and that that is why he reacted differently. Glad that with the other horses there he is doing so well. I think you are making great progress!