Monday, February 14, 2011

More Cold Work on the Ground

OYY Beowulf and I had some harness time the other day.. down the driveway -- down the road. We worked on circles, figure 8's, and most importantly -- a nice whoa and stand. We saw quite a bit of traffic for a back country road- which I was hoping for.

Beowulf is so brave and steady :)

We did not venture down the dirt side of the road at all as that is very icy even though sanded heavily. The paved road going toward the highway was pretty clear due to plenty of sun. It was MUCH warmer down here than up at the farm !

Some horses when being ground driven for the first few times down on the road see the 'black' areas on the road where it is wet and get quite nervous ... Beowulf took one sniff and walked on. Good boy -- He's going to make a great cart pony and riding mount, not much upsets him.  Actually nothing that I have seen yet !

Just for fun, we took a detour down the snowmobile trail... . But honestly -- it seemed Beowulf was quite focused on the work at hand - and not interested in looking around.

Well that makes my job a whole lot easier ! 
His dad - OYY Finnegan -  trained up incredibly quickly also and loved his job of driving.  I am pretty pleased with all my "Finn" babies :) other than he always gives me colts.


here's a short view of Beowulf going down the road. 
I'm proud of my boy !  We had a good session .. next time I am going to set up some cones and ground drive some patterns.. maybe have him pull a small drag. 

The weathermen have been talking about some elusive day with 30 degree temperatures. I have not seen this yet.. and they get me all excited only to find the same cold and penetrating winds every day. Maybe today ??? Zoe and I are going for a valentine ride.. not sure where yet but it will be fun regardless.

Enjoy ~


  1. What a great thought - I have not done any ground driving with Miss Prairie and I bet she'd love it. My exercise regime would love it as well :-)

  2. Betsy,
    Beowulf looks like SUCH a good boy - how old is he? Don't you find that you get a ton of exercise with the driving training? LOL
    Shelly, Summerland, BC Canada

  3. I hope you get your 30 degree temps for your Valentine's Day ride! Beowolf is handsome, and so gentle and quiet. You have the nicest Curlies!

  4. Shelly -- Beowulf just turned 2 last week - he had some ground driving training last winter around this time and then had a bit of work on the ground in the fall... he's a good smart pony :) Susan... we had an awesome valentine ride - and found some delightful warm breezes and some sun !! YAY :)

  5. What a gorgeous boy! Really taking to his driving fast. I love reading your driving posts. I always get so many ideas or just reassurances that I am on the right track!
