Friday, February 25, 2011

The Newest Prospect

Tuesday morning I show up at the farm for lessons to see this little fellow-

OYY Tambourine Man

out of Ahmet and OYY Finnegan. I took one look at him and wanted him to be my new sport-horse prospect, he has got the longest leg, natural headset just like his sire cute curious face and with his family the genes to do it.

After lessons were done for the day I figured it is never to early to start training so when the day finally comes to get on him he will be ready for anything.

We went for a little walk up and down the driveway, to stretch out those long legs. It has been hard for play to happen in the pasture because of all the ice and snow.

After our short walk we head into the indoor for a brief leading lesson and to give mom a baby time to run around-Tambi can stretch his legs even more and Ahmet can get a little exercise to
return to her pre-baby figure.
Both mom and baby were very good leading around-for Tambi this is his first lesson in giving to pressure and learning about my personal space and can set the precedent for how everything else goes in are journey together. So it is really important to be firm yet kind and very clear in what is being asked of him. He was perfect and acted as if he had been lead around for months rather than days.

This is the one nice thing about winter babies because they are born at kind of a down time farm wise so it gives us a little extra time to spend working with them.
I have plans to begin exposing him to different parts of the obstacle course, head down the road some and anything else I can think of to get him ready for life in the show ring.


  1. Nice! start him early to get him used to everything. That indoor sure is handy.

  2. I am soooooo jealous of that indoor! And the miles of dirt roads!
