Sunday, November 13, 2011

*Sandman's Serenade and our injuries

I am not part of the November mini challenge - I seem to have become just too busy to keep up with you all here, but I did have something important to share.

I love all my Curly horses but there is now a special place in my heart for my little Curly/Arabian mare *Sandman's Serenade - she seems to be rehabilitating my chronic neck injury I have had for several years.   I am riding her 4 or so times a week as SHE needs rehab from an old injury and she is getting sounder and sounder, but then again I think that I am too.

*Serenade had a bad injury as a young horse and she has taken literally 3 years to recover from it - this is the (hopefully) final step in her recovery - getting her out and making her reuse the muscle that was atrophied all that time.

I have a theory that the reason that my neck is healing is for a couple of reasons - first, she is incredibly smooth to ride and second, she is rock solid, safe and reliable, even though she has only been under saddle for a few months.  This calm and easy going ride she is giving me is allowing me to relax and really benefit from the movement of the horse under me - it is just amazing for me!

Awesome how horses are good therapists.

Shelly and *Serenade in Summerland, BC Canada


  1. She's a very beautiful horse. Glad to hear you are both doing so well.

  2. Shelly,
    I am glad that both you and Serenade are both healing. Your account reminds me of the healing of Ken and Flicka in "My Friend Flicka."
    Penny JOhnson
    Bonners Ferry, Idaho USA

  3. Thanks Donna and Penny.
    I am so thankful to have this little horse to ride and I am so thrilled to be able to move my neck a bit more each day - it is really exciting!

  4. Shelly,
    Sounds like you are making great motto is "My horse is my therapist....mental and physical"{:> Good work.

  5. She's a beauty, Shelly. Horseback riding has been known to cure my headaches.

  6. That is so great that you can help each other heal! I hope your neck will be fine! I still need my fysitherapist for my neck but relaxed rides do help a lot! Horses are great therapists!
