Friday, February 4, 2011


We competed last night at the Extreme Cowboy Race in Pomona and Champagne and I kicked curly butt. We had such a smooth consistent ride it felt awesome. We had one of the best ride of the night. Craig Cameron loved Champagne and could not stop touching her. I hope we make it to the finals on Saturday night. One more night of preliminary rides and then I should know. More picture to come soon.


  1. Tiffany, SWEET! Sounds like you had a great ride and did a fantastic job promoting the Curly horse. Good luck making the finals!

  2. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!! What stellar promotion, Tiffany! Champagne is incredible. Thank you for all your efforts in promoting the curly horse...and looks like you are having a blast! Can't wait for more pictures! Best to you for the finals! Sounds like you have a great shot at it. WhooT!

  3. WOW congrats! Way to represent! and good luck.

  4. This is awesome -- great Job.. we are all proud of you !!

  5. Champagne looks great! I hope you get into the finals! Do post more pictures! A great way to promothe the lovely Curlies!

  6. Tiffany,
    You guys did AWESOME! By far one of the best runs of the night and the crowd loved you guys. I video taped your run, not great quality because I was in the top of the bleachers but it still shows how smoooooooth you guy were. I can't wait to see if you make it to the finals tomorrow!

  7. Oh my gosh, awesome!!! More pictures please :)

  8. Courtney, you have video?? Fabulous!!! Will you be able to show us? With Tiffany's permission of course!

  9. Can't wait to see more pictures and video...such a versatile breed. Way to get out there and represent it!!

  10. WAY TO GO! You cowgirl up and show 'em what you and your curly are made of and tell craig not to pet all the curls off! LOL
    Ellen cheyenne, wy

  11. jipeee!! I was constantly thinking of you and Champagne. It is so exciting a curly horse is in the extreme cowboy race and you did GREAT. Good luck on the finals I can't wait to see more pic and maybe a video.

  12. Hurray :) Not only since I also own a "Champagne" (which is more a Palomino, anyway), you did SuperSuperSuper fantastic! Congrats!
