Saturday, February 5, 2011

Family Tree

Lynn gave me a great idea yesterday when she sent me a picture of Lucy and Moon at 20 months. For those who don't know these are Linus' parents. So, I included one from today...not his best profile picture by any means but it does show a lot. Linus is about 20 months now too so the pictures of all 3 were taken at the same point.

I was up for a little bit more today with Linus but still had to take my time (ugh!) I put him out for his run first and as you can see from the picture below I now have proof on camera that he is in fact not bothered by the tractor and it is all an act!!! Ha ha ha Linus, no more excuses!! : )
We went for a short ground drive to check the road conditions and we found them to be good enough to get out for a short buggy ride. Linus has not been hitched to the buggy for over 2 months - and it showed!! He was a bit off today. But, I think it was the bridle. I had made an adjustment before we set off and I think I had it sitting too low. Dad thinks he needs to be tried with the bit again. So we might give that a whirl tomorrow. Dad isn't liking the way the bitless is sitting when he is driving and where it pulls from...but like I said, that could just be an adjustment thing. He has yet to give me any problems with it. He was very good with traffic today and one truck slowed down so much that he thought it was someone we knew and started walking over to it thinking I was going to chat with the driver! Funny boy.
When we got back he had a special snack...I brought him some Cheezies!! I've never seen him move so fast and alert as when that bag crinkled!!

Such a nice pose Linus!

My proof that the tractor is no bother! You can just see Linus on this side of the tractor


  1. Hope you feel better soon Donna! Love the picts of Linus and his mom and dad!!! Linus is Beautiful!!! Gotta love a handsome boy that will work for Cheezies!!!!!

  2. What a lot you accomplish with Linus everytime you are with him. He looks like he is trying to chew on the shaft! And you will have to show him the tractor picture so he knows you know he is not afraid. LOL
    Ellen cheyenne, wy

  3. I will look for some photo's of Lilly (Lucy's Mom) at around 20 months for you ! add to the family tree.

  4. Linus is doing so much allready, great to see what a young horse can do if you work regularly with him!
    Nice to see him and his parents all at the same age! He looks great!

  5. Donna, I like Ellen's suggestion because I think Linus could figure out that you know that he is not afraid. Prince Didder also has this type of relationship with our tractor, and apparently with our snowblower, too. Noisy pieces of equipment are good excuses to show off and act silly.

  6. p.s. If Linus is as smooth as his grandmama Lily, you are in for a TREAT! Several years, actually more like 10 years ago (egads!) Betsy took me on a trail ride up Mount Ephraim, and I rode Lily. She has the smoooothest trot like you wouldn't believe, and a nice big walk, too!

  7. I love the pic of him all hitched up...he looks so grown up!!! Too funny about the tractor....I like the suggestions! Feel better soon, Donna!

  8. What a nice idea with the pics :) And I love your Linus before the buggy! I simulate that as well with the double lunge with Tornado at the moment. It is a nice variety for the horses when they e.g. need to warm up and you don't just want to lead them with a rope.
